Privacy and cookie policy

01. Purposes and means of data processing

The personal data you provide of your own volition will be processed in order to:

a) provide the service indicated above (hereinafter the “service”), which you have chosen, and to allow AZ AGRICOLA GIOVANNI MANZONE to comply with the contract provisions;

b) provide, with your explicit consent, commercial and/or promotional information, and to send advertising material regarding products, services and other activities of AZ AGRICOLA GIOVANNI MANZONE For each of the above purposes, data will be processed on paper, by fax, e-mail, sms or telephone.

02. Failure to provide data

It is never compulsory to provide data. However, if you do not provide the data marked as “mandatory”, we will be unable to supply the Service requested. Failure to provide data not marked as “mandatory” will allow the Service to be provided.

03. Subkects who may be informed of the data provided

Your personal data, collected through this registration process, may be processed by external figures responsible for managing the Service requested or for the marketing activities provided for, as well as by the Data Supervisor/s or by companies to whom said data have been transmitted as provided for below.

04. Subjects to whom your data may be transmitted

Your personal data may be transmitted to third parties in order to comply with legal obligations, or orders issued by public authorities.

05. Cookies

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files saved on your computer or device while you browse the internet, which make it possible to collect information on your online activity. After a certain amount of time they are cancelled; some of them are cancelled immediately at the end of the session.

What are they for?

Cookies are used to personalise your browsing experience, based on your preferences.

What type of cookies do we use?

Technical cookies: these are essential for the functioning of the website. This type of cookies allows you to browse the website correctly, see objects and use services.

No to cookies?

To find out how to manage and verify cookies, and cancel them from your device, depending on the browser you use, see below:

• Internet Explorer • Mozilla Firefox • Google Chrome • Safari • Opera

06. Data controller and supervisor

The Data Controller is AZ AGRICOLA GIOVANNI MANZONE, in the person of its legal representative, headquartered in Via Castelletto 9, Monforte d’Alba (CN)

07. Your rights

Pursuant to Art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, you are entitled to access your data, to have them updated or cancelled without delay in the event they are processed in breach of the law, to refuse your consent for the processing of your data for commercial or advertising purposes, and to request a complete, updated list of all Data Supervisors, by writing to AZ AGRICOLA GIOVANNI MANZONE – Via Castelletto 9, Monforte d’Alba (CN), or by sending an e-mail to