Monthly Archives: April 1920

Castelletto the struggle of a “poor” land


Castelletto the struggle of a “poor” land Giovanni was far from happy after the draw. He got the poorest plots, the most difficult to cultivate. He would have to move in carts and animals away from the village where he grew up, on steep and stony ground less suitable for wheat and corn.  Giovanni and his [...]

Castelletto the struggle of a “poor” land2022-04-29T13:48:56+00:00

Drawing the inheritance


Drawing the inheritance Stefano Manzone decided to assign the inheritance of his possessions to his sons, by organizing a draw at a family lunch. His son Giovanni Manzone obtained the Ciabot del Preve, the house and the farm of the old parish priest of Castelletto. The parcels of Castelletto were the most difficult [...]

Drawing the inheritance2022-04-29T13:47:57+00:00
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